Do I Have Sleep Apnea Quiz

Do I have sleep apnea quiz PranaQ Sleep Better, Live Better

What do we need to know before taking a sleep apnea quiz ?

Are you here because you are wondering if you have sleep apnea? Then you have come to the right place! But before you answer this sleep apnea quiz online, you should learn a little about what sleep apnea is.

How do I know if I have Sleep Apnea Quiz

Sleep apnea is a sleeping disorder in which a person occasionally stops breathing in the middle of the night. It restarts a couple of times during sleep and may hinder someone from having a good quality of deep sleep.

There are two types of sleep apnea: obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and central sleep apnea (CSA). Most people diagnosed with sleep apnea usually have OSA, and in some cases, may also have CSA. OSA is more noticeable through certain signs and symptoms that can be seen throughout the sleeping time.

Signs you have sleep apnea

The most obvious symptom of sleep apnea is snoring. However, apart from snoring, sleep apnea can be determined by some of these symptoms too: 

  • Excessive daytime sleepiness
  • Hypersomnia
  • Having difficulty staying asleep during the night
  • Paused breathing in the middle of sleep
  • Having difficulty concentrating on daytime activities
  • Mood changes
  • Morning headaches
  • Waking up with a dry mouth 
  • Gasping or choking 

Sleep apnea quiz

There are many ways to get diagnosed with sleep apnea, such as using an at-home sleep apnea test or PSG. It is very important to get medically diagnosed with sleep apnea to know what further treatment you can do with your sleep apnea. 

However, researchers at University Health Network have created a very simple STOP-Bang Questionnaire to check if you may have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) or not. You can take the symptoms of sleep apnea quiz, STOP-Bang Questionnaire, right here!


Do you think you may have sleep apnea? Take this quiz to find out if you may be at risk!

1 / 8

Do you snore loudly?
Louder than talking or loud enough to be heard through closed doors

2 / 8

Do you often feel tired, fatigued, or sleepy during the daytime?

3 / 8

Has anyone observed you stop breathing during sleep?

4 / 8

Do you have (or are you being treated for) high blood pressure?

5 / 8

Is your body mass index higher than 35kg/m2?

6 / 8

Are you older than 50?

7 / 8

What is your neck size? Is your shirt collar 16 inches / 40cm or larger?

8 / 8

What is your gender?

Your score is


Score criteria for sleep apnea quiz

Based on University Health Network, here are certain indicators of OSA after answering the questions from the STOP-Bang quiz.

These indicators are directed at the general population
Yes to 0 – 2 questions: Low Risk of OSA
Yes to 3 – 4 questions: Intermediate Risk of OSA
Yes to 5 – 8 questions: High Risk of OSA

Or you are also at a High Risk if you have certain risk factors for sleep apnea:
Yes to 2 – 4 STOP questions + being male
Yes to 2 – 4 STOP questions + BMI > 35kg/m2
Yes to 2 – 4 STOP questions + neck circumference up to 16 inches/40 cm.

What to do if you have sleep apnea

This free sleep apnea quiz from STOP-Bang might have told you that you might be at risk for sleep apnea, but do not worry too much! There is one more step to go before getting treated for sleep apnea. Get medically tested for sleep apnea with PranaQ’s product!

Sleep study diagnosis

With PranaQ’s at-home sleep apnea test, TipTraQ, you can always track your sleep conveniently and accurately from the comfort of your own bed. You will receive your sleep report immediately, and get certain tips and tricks from our customized sleep quality improvement program. 

PranaQ’s at-home sleep apnea test is not only lighter and versatile but also reusable and rechargeable! We prioritize your sleep health and wellness with all eco-friendly materials, comfortable devices, and user-friendly sleep-tracking technology just at your fingertips! 

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